Night shots

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Taking pictures at night can be tricky for obvious reasons. Cameras perceive images by lights reflecting off of them (like our eyes) and if there's no light, it's easy to see why it's hard to take sharp pictures at night. I've taken many many failed night pictures. Blurry, long lines of light trailing off, unfocused... etc. But I love taking sharp night landscape shots because they have a whole different feeling from the same landscape when there's sunlight.
These are some of my favorite ones:
DSC_0089 by you.

night light by you.

illuminating tree by you.

fireworks!! 035 by you.

DSC_1041 by you.
Pittsburgh always seems prettier at night. I think it's because the lack of light covers up its flaws.

Since all of these are landscape, there's no need to use the night settings which usually involve flash (and if you really wanna use flash to lighten things up, you would need an awfully big one).
It's hard to get this right. Night shots turn out much better with tripods, but in my case I never bring one around, so you can just use a hand rail or hope your hands are very steady.


stephanie said...

mm.. you should teach me how to do firework shots! i always fail so miserably. :\

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